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Finance Personal Statements and Statements of Purpose for Graduate School, Writing and Editing Service Samples, Help

Financial Engineering personal statement

Sample 1st Paragraphs for Successful Statements in Finance


XXXX University’s MS Program in Mathematics in Finance is my first choice for graduate school not only because of its location, but also your focus on my areas of special interest, harnessing the beauty and unlimited power of Mathematics to the service of financial analysis, strategy, development, etc. Your location in New York City, which I see as the leading world capital of financial markets, is another reason why I have my heart set on attending XXU.


Captivated by the financial world, I have spent most of my life preparing for a career in Finance by mastering numbers and statistics, especially everything having to do with Financial Engineering. Still only 20 years old, a determined young Chinese woman with a cool, analytical, and creative mind, I thrive on Finance, data analysis, machine learning and distribution. I seek special lifelong expertise in risk analysis. It would be a profound honor, in particular, to be accepted to your especially distinguished program in Financial Engineering at XXXX University due to my profound admiration of the research record of accomplishment and areas of interest of your faculty.


I was born in Hungary in 1981 and we moved to Norway when I was 6 years old. In 1999, my family permanently relocated to the United States where I have been busy pursuing my education, earning the master's degree in 2010 in applied mathematics and statistics with a focus on finance, particularly futures, options, and derivatives pricing. My master's program helped me to mature and to develop many new skills, building upon the foundation provided by my bachelor's degree in economics, which I earned in 2008, and my bachelor's in finance and international business (2005). As I have progressed through my studies here in America, I have become increasingly engaged with the field of educational development and the crucial role played by finance. Among my greatest assets are my language skills: fluent in Norwegian, Hungarian, and English, I can carry on a conversation in both Swedish and Danish and I have also studied 5 years of German.

finance MS, MSc personal purpose statement
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