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Advancing Career with MSc Architecture in UK

Advancing Career with MS Architecture
Advancing Career with MS Architecture at Prestigious Program

I was awarded a 1:1 degree in Architectural Technology in 2009 and have been employed since graduation as an Inspection Engineer at the King Abdulaziz International Airport project. I now wish to acquire the additional skills and knowledge to enable me to further advance my career, prepare for a PHD program, and become an extraordinarily successful consultant, researcher, and professor of architecture.

I have loved art for as long as I can recall and have also always been fascinated by the way things work and how they might be improved. Consequently, Architecture’s blend of engineering and aesthetics was a natural choice, and I find it very fulfilling. I aspire to create utility and beauty using the best of classical design with the best of modern materials. Architecture is fundamentally important in everyone’s life; it impacts on the environment of many and its fruits will stand for generations. The responsibilities of an architect are quite breath-taking combining so many disparate skills and considering the needs of so many with direct and indirect interests in a project. I am particularly excited at the rate and kind of developments being achieved in building design and materials such as those that might even provide us with buildings that produce rather than only consuming energy.

Advancing Career with MS Architecture
Advancing Career with MS Architecture at Prestigious Program

My work to date has provided a solid base on which to build professionally and academically. I have worked on site engaged in the progress from hand sketches to the finish. I worked as a coordinator in Beirut for three months while completing project management and contracts workshops. My role lay between that of an Operations Manager and an Executive Engineer.

I was raised in Saudi Arabia and left the country only when I began my undergraduate studies in England. The contrast in cultures was very marked and it took a little time for me to adjust. However, I soon came to understand and appreciate much of the host culture and particularly like the British sense of humour. I also took the opportunity to admire the enormous variety of interesting modern and historic architecture in Britain and the ingenuity employed to erect and decorate buildings. I am now widely travelled and have studied and socialized with people of many cultures and social backgrounds and will always be grateful for having my personal and professional horizons broadened to the extent they have been and look forward to extending them further.

Advancing Career with MS Architecture
Advancing Career with MS Architecture at Prestigious Program

Shortly after joining the workforce, I started studying for my master's on a part-time basis. I was required to undertake pre-Master studies because the degree was in Industrial Engineering. I successfully completed four modules to qualify to complete the main course. The modules completed were Engineering Economy, Engineering Statistics, Operation Research & Planning and Production Control. Since beginning the course proper, I have completed modules in Advanced Engineering Statistics, Advanced Engineering Economy, Concept and Principles of Engineering Management and Safety Engineering. The coming semester will be the last one before I travel to England and will cover Quality and Performance Management, Production & Operation Management, Managerial Accounting and Project Management. I have completed ten of the fourteen modules required to graduate and intend to complete the degree once I have returned from England.

My schedule is extremely demanding, working and studying simultaneously and making some time for recreation and rest is not easy.  My working day begins early and ends late, this has taught me valuable lessons in successful multi-tasking, time management, and prioritisation. This also provides evidence of exceptional commitment and diligence.

I have carefully considered the courses open to me and conclude that yours is an ideal ‘fit’. I seek a highly challenging but supportive academic environment. I also seek a prestigious faculty whose eyes are very much on the future of architecture and a programme which will involve working alongside highly dedicated, international students to obtain mutually profitable networking opportunities. I am confident that your programme will provide all this and more. I look forward eagerly to ‘adding value’ to the course and assure the reader that I shall seek to excel rather than merely succeed within it.

I have an excellent bachelor's degree in a directly relevant subject; I have two years successful work in construction; I have proven ability to study successfully at this advanced level and have shown commitment and diligence in pursuing my goals.

Advancing Career with MSc Architecture in UK


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