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Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose Statement Examples

Updated: Jul 24

Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose
Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose Statement Examples, Professional Writing Service Help

The most unique aspect of my application to your distinguished MSIS program at XXXX University is the fact that I am a young Chinese woman who is fluent in Russian as well as English. The latter seemed to come more naturally for me because I got off to an earlier start; Russian was more difficult, learning it as an undergraduate student in my homeland, China, earning my BA in Russian Languages and Literature with a minor in advertising. This past year, 2014, I finished my master's in public communication at XXXX University. Earning my Master’s in this area in the USA has done wonders to prepare me to make the optimal contribution professionally to my field, communication, IT, public relations, etc. Still, I need additional training in general focusing on communication technology and the computer engineering side of business and organizational development. Most of all, I want to become an expert in information systems. This is because I hope at some point to put all three of my languages to work in information systems: English, Russian, and Mandarin.

Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose Statement Examples
Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose Statement Examples, Professional Editing Service Help

My father is a professor of Geographic Information Systems and enormously enthusiastic about his research and he has always been that way. His delight has infected me in this area as well and I subsequently stay abreast of developments in this area. My older sister completed a degree in Information Systems in the USA ten years ago and she has also been a great inspiration to her little sister—we are especially excited about digital signal processing.

I want to focus my efforts on the future in becoming the absolute best promoter of technology possible, as well as becoming a particularly good database analyst. I want to put my language skills to work as an IT marketer. I see the enhancement of communication between peoples on international and global levels to be especially exciting because it helps to enhance peace and prosperity. I am pleased that I speak the three languages of the world’s 3 greatest military powers, the USA, Russia, and China, because I see contributing to the technological advancement of communication between these powers as conducive to peace and rationality. Thus, I see the career that I am designing for myself as an IT promoter to be geared towards helping people, especially future generations.

Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose
Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose Statement Examples, Editing Service Help

After completing your MSIS program I will seek several additional years of rigorous professional experience in the forefront of system analysis and database management. Then, when I feel I have made sufficient progress towards the fullest mastery possible of the technological side of business development, I want to put these tools to work as an IT marketer.

I have been at XXXX for 2 years now and I have come to adore our university as well as the surrounding area and very much for a variety of reasons I feel that I could best excel academically and professionally if I were to stay here to earn my second master's degree, the MSIS. I am enormously proud of XXXX’s high ranking, and I am now part of a vast academic community, peers, professors, university employees, etc. I enjoy XXXX very much because people are friendly, and you can even become friends with professors. The location of XXXX is great, not too far away from the city, but far enough to have the most awesome of views.

Thank you for your consideration of my application to your program.

Chinese Russian MSIS Personal Purpose Statement Examples


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