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Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics Purpose Statement

Updated: Jul 24

Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics
Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics Purpose Statement Examples, Help, Service

I was born and raised in Shanghai, China and came to the United States for college because I seek the finest education possible in my field, investment management and very much admire the US educational system. I also want to work internationally for the rest of my professional life and so I am making a lot of progress towards becoming a very accomplished professional in English as well as Mandarin Chinese. I am a highly motivated and determined young woman who applied to U.S. universities with no help from anyone and now I am a senior at XXXX University and will soon be graduating with dual degrees in Mathematics and Economics.

 XXXX University is my first choice for graduate school because of the broad variety of courses offered and its reputation in career services. I see it as one of the finest programs in the world and want to be part of the general excitement generated by New York City. I am looking forward to a rigorous immersion in the full range of critical issues in financial economics and I am especially keen about developing a specialization in the areas of asset allocations and investment strategies. After completing your program and gaining more experience, my long-term goal is to become independent as an equity analyst and start my own investment management firm along with several partners, focusing on investment strategies for high-net-worth clients, especially with respect to investments in China. In addition to being a native speaker of Mandarin and fully fluent in English, I am also fluent in Japanese, having studied it since high school and spending my sophomore year of college there; this is an asset that should serve me well in the future.

Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics
Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics Purpose Statement Writing Service Samples

I am a ridiculously hard working and compassionate woman who feels that it is particularly important to always give something back to our communities and those among us who are less fortunate. This is why I volunteered as an English tutor for children from poor families in the Chicago area during my sophomore year. I interned at XXXX securities in 2009, where I learned a great deal about basic stock valuation methods and many of the key factors in stock analysis. In 2010, I interned at Chicago Bancorp, working closely with Martin Investment Management and Ziegler Capital Markets. These professional experiences have helped me to improve my communication and negotiation skills to the point where I have become adept at achieving win-win outcomes and maximizing benefits for my clients. I especially enjoyed my association with Martin Investment Management, developing my research skills, helping my supervisor to pick stocks, and writing stock reports. My work with Ziegler Capital Markets helped me to cultivate a much more sophisticated understanding of the basic operations of an investment bank.

I am extremely passionate about capital markets and investment strategies, and I get this from my father who has greatly inspired my career choice. He has spent much of his spare time for many years reading about investments and doing research on the companies that he finds especially interesting and continues to advise me to this day. He is my personal hero because of his wisdom about long-term stock investments and his success over the years on the stock market. We especially enjoy investing together on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Being accepted to XXXX will help me to learn everything that I can about Asian markets and help me to contribute to improving the Chinese regulatory system once I graduate from your program and return home.

My father and I are both adamant followers of the models developed, and the helpful advice offered by Warren Buffet, especially concerning investment during times of economic downturns. He is my foremost hero here in America, not only because of his wisdom, but also the fact that he dedicates much of his time to giving his money away to worthy causes. I too hope to have this kind of joy in life later, to become very wealthy and have the immense pleasure of giving much of it away.

Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics
Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics Purpose Statement Examples

I am a competitive candidate for your program at XXXX because I have a global perspective and a strong passion for the finance industry. I learned Japanese mostly by myself while still in high school and have continued taking classes at Northwestern to prepare myself for a lifetime of trilingual service in my field. During my sophomore year, I studied abroad at ____ University at Tokyo where I not only improved my language skills, but also learned more about Japanese culture, and the way the Japanese do business. I had the opportunity to connect with a ____ alumni working at Fujitsu consulting and shadowed him for several days at his office. As a Chinese business professional, I take delight in studying the differences between Japanese and Americans in their business strategies. I believe that my ability to speak multiple languages and my international experience has helped me to gain an advanced understanding of many critically important global issues. During the first quarter of my senior year, while studying full time, I also completed two internships. I have become a master at time management and multitasking which will help me to make the most of my world-class education at XXXX.

Crafting a Compelling MS Financial Economics Purpose Statement


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