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MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement for Graduate School

Updated: Jul 23

MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement
MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement for Graduate School

This application is made because of my close interest in health service provision and my wish to work at a senior level, in the Ministry of Health in my own country. It is widely believed that a country as rich as Kuwait, which devotes massive resources to health services, cannot therefore suffer any major problems in health service provision. However, this is not the case, there are problems some of which are serious and which I hope to help address by acquiring the skills, knowledge and research opportunities afforded by earning the MA Degree in Mental Health Counselling at XXXX University.

An example of failure in health service provision in my society relates to the issue of mental health which is a near taboo subject in Kuwait. The results of being judged to be mentally ill carry with it seriously damaging consequences socially, educationally, and professionally. The problem begins early. Parents strongly resist a diagnosis of ADD, ADHD or Autism for fear of potentially life-long consequences for their child. Consequently, such a child’s condition is likely to go untreated in a normal school environment lacking specialist educators and thus the child is most unlikely to achieve their potential. The problem is not, of course, limited to childhood conditions but includes the entire range of adult psychiatric and psychological conditions ranging from the most serious to mild depression.

Free mental health treatment is available in Kuwait. Provision and financing are not the problems. The problems are the societal disincentives to seeking such treatment and the attitude of those, including mental health service providers themselves, to those being treated. I am under no illusion that I can single-handedly reduce or eradicate prejudice but hope to be a part of the solution. After gaining experience within the Ministry of Health, I hope to develop and lead an NGO with the major goal of addressing this situation.

MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement
MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement for Graduate School

I excelled academically at school and, consequently, I was awarded a full government scholarship for undergraduate and graduate study abroad and am currently studying Politics at Edinburgh University. My choice of Politics arose from an interest in the ways in which governments establish their priorities, formulate policy, and implement it, how these processes work and might be improved for the general good, especially in Kuwait. I have focused my efforts on studying the sociological aspects of politics, social and public policy, and social work. I also seek to understand how the language that organisations employ affects users and the ways in which minorities are excluded from the benefits of implemented policies. I have also studied Research Analysis which I believe is highly relevant to this application.

I live in a country which can afford to provide all the basic needs for its citizens. However, this generous paternalism comes at a high price, with the government able to control and manipulate the population and to ignore certain matters that, in other countries, would have come to the fore and been the subject of government concern and action. One of these matters is a rigid class and tribal hierarchy which limits opportunities for some and fails to provide all with the same opportunities to achieve their educational and professional potential. It is my hope to have some positive effect in this matter in the future. I am a member of the university Feminist Society and of the Black and Minority Ethnic Society. Living as part of a minority within the UK has provided many insights into the feelings and problems faced by the minority religious and tribal groups in my own society which I intend to apply in the future.

MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement
MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement for Graduate School

I am only twenty-one and so my professional experience is necessarily limited. However, I have some experience of work and volunteer effort. I was a caregiver for my mother from the age of sixteen which gave me early experience of the provision of healthcare services in Kuwait. I have worked as a Consultant Intern, analysing information for the UN High Commission for Refugees. I have also interned at specialist marketing companies because of my study of Research Analysis and this experience has provided useful insights into the ways in which attitudes and perceptions can be formed and changed, which is highly relevant to my long term aims. I worked as a volunteer for ChildReach International working to increase donations by giving presentations to potential donors.

I am a member of the University’s Debating Society. I enjoy researching subjects that are new to me and then marshalling and presenting clear and persuasive arguments for my case. Debates are an excellent means of honing communication skills and of seeing the diverse ways in which a case can be effectively presented. The skills acquired will be directly applicable to participation in meetings and in making presentations throughout my career

I am very aware that the wish to affect policy calls not only for technical knowledge but is related to the ability to create and maintain positive relationships with colleagues, policymakers, and others. I have happily studied, worked, and socialized with people of different ethnic and social backgrounds. I enjoy sharing information about my own culture and learning about others. In addition to my experience of studying in the UK, I have visited the United States in an educational exchange when in High School. I am regarded as an excellent team member. I work well with others and am as prepared to listen as to speak but am always ready to defend my position strongly but diplomatically.

I am academically capable with a high degree of intellectual curiosity and analytical skill; I have a highly relevant academic and work background (although admittedly limited); I possess the personal characteristics of empathy, amiability, a readiness to co-operate to achieve common goals, and diligence that I am convinced will enable me to excel within the program and in a career beyond. I look forward to sharing the fruits of my own experience and to benefiting from those of a prestigious faculty and my fellow students.

Thank you for considering my application.

MA Mental Health Counseling Personal Purpose Statement for Graduate School


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