The first time I stood in front of Marcel Bruer’s St. John’s Abbey, I remained frozen in place for what seemed like days, just standing there soaking it in. On my way to see my undergraduate college for the first time that day, the College of St. Benedict/ St. John’s University, the joy and sheer happiness was almost surreal, the memory always with me. The modernity combined with simplicity of St. John’s Abbey, the smooth texture, giant inner structure devoid of supporting columns in the middle, dynamic lighting, I took sheer delight in the abstract shapes bouncing around in the colored glass. Having visited many places around the world, I have always sought out the finest in architecture, inspiring me and driving me on. Â
Landscape design was my first love, because of the way that it speaks to my love of nature as well as architecture. Now, however, after working for several years as a landscape designer, both for a firm and on my own, I want very much to move forward, and focus fully on architecture. I see architectural design as my destiny and the finest contribution that I might be able to make to society and community. It is my sincere hope that the future of architecture in the USA and around the world will become increasingly energy efficient. I see the United States as a leader in this effort given its advanced mastery of building technologies and material. I rejoice in the fact that green buildings are already out there, using new technologies and materials. I pray that this will in time become the norm rather than the exception.Â

A few years ago, my partner and I started a design firm based in New York City, focused on interior as well as architectural design. My extensive study of graduate programs has left me convinced that I am the best fit with your program at ____, its rigor as well as location, tranquil, a wonderful place to throw myself into my studies. I feel called by my firm belief that ____ is the program that would inspire me to my very fullest contribution to Architecture. The vast resources of Yale and the surrounding area, the studio classes, and the presence of architects such as ____, ____, ____ who have taught studio classes in the program. ____ is my dream school.Â
My intense and overriding passion for everything green, sustainable, non-toxic, recyclable, was born long ago and came to fruition in my work as a landscape designer. Now that my focus is almost exclusively above ground, all the professional principles remain the same. I seek to honor the earth in everything that I do, whether I design her at ground level or build up from there, sustainable, green, environmentally friendly, for me, all of that applies as much to the structure placed upon the property as it does the property itself.Â

I could not be more passionate about sustainable design and development, precisely because I see sustainability as the future of architecture, to the extent to which its essence can be captured in a single word. Often, I have begun reflecting on sustainability at the very outset when I make a decision to accept a project, since I have long sought out ways to focus my own contribution towards sustainable ends. Â
I could not feel more strongly that as designers and architects we have a responsibility to contribute to the education of our clients as well as society concerning what is the best for our society generally speaking. I hope to always be an architect who takes the lead in encouraging social responsibility in the creation of new space, private as well as public. Ultimately, our only way forward for the long term is for what is green and sustainable to become what is most prized, sought after, and cherished. I like to think of myself as a leader in this movement, at the forefront waving my banner high in the air.Â
It is the USA, especially through the leadership of its flagship universities such as Yale, that I see as having the best chance of going the farthest to stem the time of toxic contamination that is strangling our world. Between ____ and New York City, I would be especially well poised to take full advantage of these next few, particularly critical, years in which we struggle to save the life of our planetary home and all of its inhabitants. I ask for acceptance to Yale so that I may have the fullest opportunity to make my own finest contribution to resolving the challenges at hand. I thank you for considering my application.Â
Master Degree Architecture Personal Purpose Statement