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Master's in Computer Science Purposeful Data Study in Saudi

Updated: Jul 24

Master's in Computer Science Purposeful Data Study
Master's in Computer Science Purposeful Data Statement of Purpose Example, Editing Service

It was a delight, at school, to discover that my skills had an application in computing. From my first lesson in the subject, I was ‘hooked’, it was work but it was also fun, an elusive combination to many in the world. I feel extremely fortunate to be able to submit this application to undertake further study in a subject that I love and that has the potential to do so much good in the world. My goals are to complete your master's program and then pursue a Ph.D. and to become a researcher and teacher in a prestigious university.

 During my undergraduate education, I worked on many challenging projects and won many awards. One of my team’s projects won first prize in the innovation competition at the King Saud University’s Annual Student Scientific Symposium and a silver medal at the 10th Malaysian Innovation Expo. The project was entitled “Brain Controlled E-Mail Client” and involved the design of an application that allows the severely disabled to read and compose e-mails using a brain/computer interface. We turned a desirable concept into reality, and this is enormously rewarding and what drives me on to acquire more skills and knowledge. I was also involved in the design and implementation of a search engine that can analyze queries in Arabic and retrieve relevant results. Other projects related to natural language processing technologies and information retrieval. I am particularly interested in doing further work to help the disabled to lead fuller lives. Specifically, I am interested in assisting research in the areas of Machine Learning, Data Mining and Computational Neuroscience.

Master's in Computer Science Purposeful Data Study
Master's in Computer Science Purposeful Data Personal Statement of Purpose Samples

I do not claim sole credit for the success of the projects in which I have been involved. All the major projects in which I have participated have been team efforts, but I have always been able to make significant contributions. I enjoy working within a team. My experiences of team working have proved to me that a good team can be much more than the ‘sum of its parts’. I do expect my contribution to a team’s success to be acknowledged and I am always ready to give credit to other team members for their own; this is one of the main keys to the running of a successful team. 

I have had the good fortune to be awarded a full scholarship by my government for this program; this has been awarded because of my excellent bachelor's degree results. I am grateful for their confidence and share their view that I can gain considerable benefit from the program and make a significant contribution to my class and the University. It is my hope to repay the considerable investment made by my country by teaching students in Saudi Arabia. I have some recent teaching experience and find it extremely satisfying to pass my knowledge on to others.

Master's in Computer Science Purposeful Data Study
Master's in Computer Science Data Statement of Purpose Writing Service Support, Samples

 I am aware of the reputation of the UXX for excellence in Computer Science and the fact that California is a major center of knowledge in my subject, and this is, of course, a major reason for my application. However, I am also keen to study and socialize in an environment that will expose me to people of many diverse cultural and social backgrounds and know that the UXX can fulfill this hope. I am extremely interested in other cultures and increasing my knowledge of them and am always happy to share information about myself.

I know that there will be many professionally qualified applicants for the program. However, I do consider myself to be an excellent candidate. My academic results provide evidence of diligence and intelligence; I have already been involved in several successful research projects requiring planning skills, perseverance, determination, and teamwork; I have teaching experience. My main recommendation is a passion for computing and a deeply held desire to learn as much as I can and to translate my learning into solutions to real problems.

Master's in Computer Science Purposeful Data Study


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