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Master's Personal Purpose Statement in Economics Indian

Master's Personal
Master's Personal Purpose Statement in Economics Indian Applicant, Writing and Editing Service

I have dreamed for many years of becoming a professional economist. This is why I completed my undergraduate studies in my native India in the areas of economics and mathematics. As someone who very much loves to study the ways in which we must all struggle together for economic development, and because of my concern for the well-being of the common, ordinary worker, most of all, I look forward to devoting my life to the study of labor economics. I see XXXX University as a leader in this area and this is why it is my first choice for graduate study. Since I was raised in India and only moved to America as an adult, I am also especially attracted to the study of labor, trade, and economic relations between my native land and my new adopted home.

Master's Personal
Master's Personal Purpose Statement in Economics, Writing and Editing Service

While the problem of unemployment is receiving a lot of attention these days in America, it is even worse in India. My sensitivity to the issue of unemployment led me to begin a master's program in Labor Economics in India in 2007; I was unable to complete the program, however, since I married an American and immigrated here to northern Virginia. Since that time, I have been busy building a new life for myself, alone. Our marriage failed; I am now divorced and have been learning to be self-sufficient economically. Once again, I have the chance to focus on my own education so that I will be able to contribute fully to American society and our joint economic development.

Master's Personal
Master's Personal Purpose Statement in Economics for Graduate School MS Program

I hope to someday publish in comparative economic analyses of labor issues in India as compared to America. My most advanced skills that I have developed so far lie in the areas of calculus, quantitative methodology, micro and macroeconomics, as well as demographic studies. I have also done extensive course work in the areas of international trade and public finance (monetary and fiscal policy). I worked as a high school teacher (economics and mathematics) from March 2008 through March 2009. Currently, I am working as a part time sales associate with a retail company, and I volunteer my time at the XXXX County Library.

 I am most intrigued by analyses of our global recession and the way in which it is related to trade and investment policies as well as stock market fluctuations. I am concerned with the broad range of challenges in our struggle for economic sustainability, especially poverty and unemployment. As a future citizen of the United States, I want to contribute to our economic wellbeing as a researcher in labor economics. I hope to someday work for the US government, and I look forward to becoming part of the search for innovative strategies for helping the economies of developing countries like my native India to continue to rise and contribute further to our global economic development.

 I am convinced that XXU has the optimal program in economics that will provide me with the superlative foundation for professional advancement. I am drawn to the international character of your program as well as its location and I see it as the ideal program for someone who is also interested in becoming adept in the areas of public finance, econometrics, and international affairs.

 I keenly look forward to giving my all to your program and I want to thank you for considering my application.

Master's Personal Purpose Statement in Economics Indian


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