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Master’s Degree in Accountancy Excelling in Corporate Diagnosis

Master’s Degree in Accountancy
Master’s Degree in Accountancy Excelling in Corporate Diagnosis Examples, Writing Help

My grandfather is a professor of accounting and I lived in his home for 10 years. He loved to talk about his subject, thus, I already knew quite a lot about accountancy by the age of sixteen. I was aware that this was no ‘dry subject’ but a fascinating one that required great skill and application. Among many other things, he explained to me that a good accountant is a ‘corporate physician’ who constantly applies his diagnostic skills and knows how to measure and interpret all the corporate ‘vital signs’ and apply appropriate remedies when necessary. My brothers have become accountants too, so there appears to be something ‘in the blood’ of my family predisposing us to this interesting profession.

My bachelor's degree is in Economics with an emphasis on Mathematics awarded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Following which I have also recently taken the University’s course “Accountancy 100” and was awarded an ‘A’ grade.  I thoroughly enjoyed this formal introduction to accountancy in which I excelled. I was also happy to be able to assist some of my classmates who were struggling with some accounting concepts, and this provided me with even greater satisfaction.

Master’s Degree in Accountancy
Master’s Degree in Accountancy Excelling in Corporate Diagnosis, Editing Service

 I provided some assistance to my Economics professor in a research project that he was undertaking about the airline industry, and I regard this as highly relevant to my application. I focused on the reasons for the failure of some companies and the rise of others. I analyzed past accounts and business decisions to try to establish patterns and trends in business behavior that resulted in failure or success. This was an extremely rewarding exercise that gave me a significant insight into an important industry. I very much enjoyed this taste of research and hope to assist with similar, industry focused, research work during the program. I am also interested in the connection between business law and taxation as I would like to be able to help companies with taxation matters in the future.

I am aware that there is an enormous shortage of Chinese speaking accountants and that this is expected to last at least 10 years, according to Accountancy Age Magazine. This shortage impacts on the growth of the Chinese economy and so that of the world. The need for Chinese speaking accountants is therefore pressing and I hope to be part of the solution to this genuine problem.

Master’s Degree in Accountancy
Master’s Degree in Accountancy Personal Statement for Graduate School Help, Samples

I returned to China during one of my summer vacations to participate in volunteer activity with other students studying in the US. We went to a poor rural community and helped junior high school students who were studying English. We told them about life in the US, its history, and our experiences there. We also provided them with used books in English that we had collected. Water was available only from a well and there was, of course, no internet access, which was even more of a shock. However, this was a particularly useful experience. I had to plan the lessons to make them logical, interesting, and relevant to my given topic, I had to capture and keep the attention of an audience and co-ordinate my activity with that of my colleagues.  The students were very appreciative of our interest in them, and it was a very humbling and rewarding experience and I am extremely glad that I took part. It is my hope to return in the future and repeat the experience or to do something similar.

I acted as Treasurer of the Chinese Undergraduate Student Association during my bachelor studies and was able to improve the vague financial controls. I have also had some remarkably interesting internship positions that have provided exposure to the realities of corporate life and equipped me with some experiences that are relevant to the program and will be applicable to my work.

 Since my arrival in the US, I have happily worked, studied, and socialized with people of many cultural and social backgrounds. I look forward to extending these experiences in the program. My own experience of adjusting to a new culture has been personally enriching even if confusing at times.

 I know that the program will attract many professionally qualified applicants. However, I do consider myself to be an exceptional candidate. I have a relevant bachelor's degree and internship experience; I have a facility for accountancy as demonstrated by my success in ‘Accountancy 100’ and I have a particularly good grounding in basic accounting concepts; I have research experience and am eager to extend it. My main recommendation is a passion for accountancy and a desire to assist significantly in the success of the corporations for which I shall work.

I am aware that the program will be extremely challenging, but I undertake to apply myself fully to it, to participate enthusiastically and to seek to excel throughout. Thank you for considering my application.

Master's degree in accountancy Excelling in Corporate Diagnosis


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