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Masters Real Estate Development Personal Statement Sample

I seek to create aesthetically pleasing environments that will facilitate and enhance the work, leisure, and daily lives of those using the structures that I help to create and develop. I feel enormously privileged to be able to provide these benefits in ways that will outlive me and am genuinely passionate about doing so.

Masters Real Estate Development Edting Service for the Personal Statement
Masters Real Estate Development Personal Statement Example

My passion for construction arises from my family background. My father was a mason who founded his own company in Bangladesh when a young man, this was a construction company specializing in masonry restoration. As a child, I was impatient to become involved in the business and, by the time that I was 15, I was being instructed in contract, estimating, and negotiations. Since then, I have been entrusted with all the business’s contractual matters. By age 17, I had become involved in the design process of my family's real estate development projects in Bangladesh. It was hardly work to me and I loved (almost!) every minute.

Masters Real Estate Development Personal Statement Editing Service
Masters Real Estate Development Personal Statement Writing Service

I eventually decided to pursue studies in Architecture and later to focus on Real Estate Development. Along with practical and business training, my father taught me the importance of enjoying work and in creating and maintaining goodwill and positive relationships. I have constantly sought to put this advice into practice which has smoothed my business endeavours and enabled me to gain multiple industry contacts including former employers and college staff from whom I am able to obtain much useful guidance and advice.

My decision to pursue Real Estate Development crystallized during my second year of college when my professor posed the question, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" Based on my answer, he suggested that I consider focusing on Real Estate Development. I believe that my architectural training and successful experience of development provides me with an ability to consider projects from both an aesthetic and business aspects. I certainly seek to ‘make a living’ but also to make a positive difference.

Masters Real Estate Development Personal Statement Sample
Writing Service for the Masters Real Estate Development Personal Statement

I have undertaken some research on architects who have successfully acted as developers on their own projects, and I would be extremely interested in extending this research within the program. Apart from considering the needs of the users of the buildings that I create or develop, I am also acutely aware of the beneficial impact that such works can have on the local communities that provide at least some of the labour and materials used. I consider it to be very important that a developer seeks the permanent benefit of those living around the development as well as the newcomers in their midst. I also believe that a successful developer should have both an emotional as well as financial investment in projects which have long term effects on the lives of others.

Having carefully considered my options at this stage in my career, I am convinced that your program will provide me with the additional knowledge and skills to maximize my own prospects which will in turn benefit those clients and communities with whom I shall work and serve. My experience to date will, I am sure, enable me to ‘add value’ to the program for the benefit of my fellow students and I look forward to receiving the benefit of their own experiences in turn. I can promise enthusiastic and diligent participation in the program if selected.

Masters Real Estate Development Personal Statement Sample


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