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MS Biotechnology Personal Purpose Statement Iranian

MS Biotechnology Personal
MS Biotechnology Personal Purpose Statement Iranian

My goal in making this application is to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to enable me to help biotech and pharmaceutical companies to bring new products to market that will preserve and enhance the health of many people. My interest in biotechnology was fired during the final year of my undergraduate studies in Biology when I was first introduced to this area of study. I was especially interested by its medical applications which have brought humankind the enormous benefits of insulin and growth hormone as well as offering incredibly significant future potential applications. My fascination was such that I was awarded an ‘A’ grade in the subject and decided that it was the only one that I wished to pursue in postgraduate studies. I am extremely excited at the prospect of being able to enhance community health by becoming an expert in this vital subject which is advancing so rapidly.

MS Biotechnology Personal
MS Biotechnology Personal Purpose Statement Iranian

I was a volunteer member of a group involved in research projects when I lived in Iran conducted by the Pasteur Institute. One related to the relationship between diet and cancer of the colon and the effect of gender on risk and the other related to HIV. In the latter project it was established that some of the HIV proteins can induce immunological responses in animal models. I have also attended various biotechnology workshops and have learned much that is relevant to the program by such involvement.

I have learned a great deal about the techniques employed in undertaking effective research and the characteristics required of an excellent researcher such as determination, an analytical approach, and an ability to look at problems in innovative ways.  My research interest is in cancer biology. I am aware that great progress has been made in the last ten years in this subject in the isolation of cancer genes using recombinant DNA technology and hope to be of assistance in this area of research during the program.

I have acquired relevant professional experience while working in a Biochemistry and Immunology laboratory. I worked on immunology and on Toxoplasmosis and its effect on miscarriage. I was also leader of a data gathering team acquiring information about the lifestyles and backgrounds of colon cancer patients.

MS Biotechnology Personal
MS Biotechnology Personal Purpose Statement Iranian

I have happily studied, worked, and socialized with people from many diverse cultural and social backgrounds. I look forward to sharing information about my own culture and learning more about other cultures with members of my cohort. I have visited several countries in the Middle East and have visited Europe. I speak English, Turkish in addition to my native language of Farsi and can communicate in written Arabic.

I have very carefully researched available postgraduate Biotechnology programs and am sure that your own provides the best ‘fit’ to enable me to achieve my goals and maximize my utility in the future. It offers the combination of a challenging and supportive academic environment that I seek. I like working within a team and am attracted by the ‘cohort’ method of class organization. I am also very attracted by the fact that the program was built in consultation with employers in the field and its consequent emphasis of business skills in addition to specialist knowledge.

I know that there will be many professionally qualified applicants for the program. However, I consider myself to be an exceptional candidate having a relevant and successful academic background, relevant research, and professional experience and, most importantly, a genuine passion to acquire and apply the skills and knowledge that the program offers.

MS Biotechnology Personal Purpose Statement Iranian


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