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MSc Finance and Economics Personal Purpose Statement

MSc Finance and Economics
MSc Finance and Economics Personal Purpose Statement Samples, Editing Service

Our lives so frequently appear linear on paper, despite our choices and the paths we take.  Growing up in one of Uzbekistan’s most ancient cities is an unlikely place for a burgeoning finance and economics scholar.  As I guided countless tourists through my town of Bukhara, unaware of where life would take me, fate would whisper in my ear, in the form of questions from my groups about our economy, how our banks were faring, and what markets we were involved in.  The questions were not unusual, as my country was recovering, reinventing itself in the wake of the collapse of the former Soviet Union.  And yet, as I turned my thoughts over, I found myself increasingly intrigued by the very same issues, and what my role would be as a responsible and proud citizen in bringing Uzbekistan to economic stability.  It seems that now more than ever there is a dire need to take our next steps even more carefully, laying sustainable foundations from which to emerge from our global fiscal crisis. 

 Since I was in secondary school, I have been interested and intrigued by the economic situation of our country.  Undoubtedly, the chatter and excitement around me drew me up into the events and plans.  1991.  We were independent!  I found myself comparing our country to others and wanting to make our economy prosperous like others.  Excelling in economics, accounting, marketing, English, Russian and finance throughout my schooling and private study, I have maintained a conceptual continuity in my consistent path to advanced knowledge and understanding of Finance and Economics, both in theory and practical, real-world experiences I have studied through reading the Financial Times and The Economist.  I have reached a point where I am anxious to immerse myself in a quality MSc program in Finance and Economics.  There has never been a better time to develop oneself, not just in terms of marketability, but also in terms of contributions to turning the global tide of economic decline.

MSc Finance and Economics
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Indeed, I am particularly interested in pursuing international economics and financial concerns or corporate and international finance courses as all of these are within my field of interest in terms of research, foundation for future research and my career in corporate finance.  While I have not solidified my exact area of research, I have an excellent academic foundation from which to build a thesis based on emerging nations in economic crisis.  The current global economic climate and its effect on industries, my homeland, reflects other developed and even emerging nations’ experiences in terms of the survivability of primary, secondary, and even tertiary industries for that matter, in current monetary crisis.

The ideal for my career path would be to increase my exposure in the field post-graduation, and eventually serve commercial and investment banks as a consultant.  Sharing my knowledge and experiences would prove invaluable for ensuring the future interest in the field as well as providing valuable insights to future students and existing corporations as a special instructor in an academic institution, or advisor in a relevant association.  More importantly, I would enjoy using my position in a company to encourage the creation of a scholarship program, aiding Uzbekistani students pursuing education and careers in Finance, particularly for the socio-economically challenged.

MSc Finance and Economics
MSc Finance and Economics Personal Purpose Statement Examples, Writing Service Help

Equipped with a quality UK education, and building my exposure in London’s financial district, I will then be able to return to my country to share my knowledge and experience to aid Uzbekistan’s developing nation status.  More specifically, the banking system in Uzbekistan needs to be made easier for the people to use, with concepts explained in practical, non-technical language, to encourage people to save and or invest.  Using UK banks such as HSBC, or Barclays as models is key to making this happen.  Moreover, solving our economic problems such as inflation and unemployment are of equal importance, and I am eager to aid in the amelioration of people’s lives through creative solutions.

 In terms of my co-curricular life, I feel that having been involved with the American Language Club, reading books about economics and financial matters of different countries, and interacting with new people made it easier for me to get involved in sports here in England.

Coming from the former Soviet Union, I have a worldview that is quite different from my academic peers.  I do not mention this simply to increase the diversity of the student body.  Living and working in England and experiencing life as, basically, an immigrant, I feel particularly sensitive to the needs of many minorities; combined with this is my ability to speak five languages competently.  As a result, I can speak confidently in front of groups of people and am amazingly comfortable in my own skin while celebrating the differences that make us all unique.

 There is a need to reach out to our diverse clients, to understand and appreciate our differences, be it cultural or socioeconomic, an appreciation of the rich tapestry of life that we are all a part of on earth.  A future financial consultant needs to be able to interact effectively with people of differing cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, and creeds.  This is critically important given the vast influx of people with varied backgrounds into the business and financial world.  Given my cultural competency, I feel I will be completely adept at reaching out to my diverse clients, no matter their country of origin.  This is what I bring to the student body, as well, one in which I anticipate many opportunities for group assignments, teamwork and projects.

 Throughout my time in education, even at an early age in Uzbekistan, Britain’s educational institutions and their reputation are well known.  Coming to the UK is a choice for investing in my future, to increase my academic foundation, and give my ambition the requisite knowledge it needs to bring my dreams to fruition.  My city has been here for 2500 years.  Through my choices and contributions, I hope to make all the difference in aiding her now in her time of need.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

MSc Finance and Economics Personal Purpose Statement


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