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PHD Religious Studies Statement of Purpose

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

Writing a personal statement for a PhD in Sociology is a critical step in your academic journey. This document not only showcases your qualifications but also explains your academic and research interests, helping the admissions committee understand why you are a good fit for their program. In this guide, we break down an example personal statement to demonstrate how to structure it effectively.

PHD Religious Studies Statement of Purpose

PHD Religious Studies
PHD Religious Studies Statement of Purpose
“The Moral Promise of Religious Education in Liberia and the Rest of Africa” 

I have lived my entire life in Liberia, on Africa´s West Coast, founded by former slaves from the United States who are my ancestors. Like most Liberians, this means, my educational and religious worldview is informed by traditional African religious motifs that are distinctively Liberian.

My formal education has been entirely Christian, and I like to think of myself as a professional advocate of and for Christianity in Africa, especially religious education as a strategy, the best hope for resolving the many profound challenges faced by Africa as a whole. I am highly qualified to study towards the PHD Degree in Religious Studies and I hope to earn the terminal degree in my field at Princeton, which I see as the finest Religious Studies program on the planet.  

I hope to be selected for graduate study towards the PHD in Religious Studies at Princeton, for reasons of diversity and inclusion, concern for social justice, and the fact that I am most highly motivated to earn the degree by finishing a doctoral dissertation. I seek to undertake the fullest immersion experience possible in the way in which religious education helps to make society more cohesive and civic minded, seeking to contribute to the community rather than to take advantage of it. In fact, by ´moral education´ I am referring to that part of our religious code that most bonds us together in terms of our sense of shared community.  


I seek to explore the complex relationships between Christianity and African Traditional Religion (ATR). and the critical role played by religious education and moral obligation to Liberian society and across the African continent. The key words I need to define and explain here are ‘moral, education, and religion.’ These terms hold the full definition and purpose in context for my proposed dissertation topic: “The Moral Promise of Religious Education in Liberia and the Rest of Africa.”   

I see religious education for the whole of Africa as the best hope that we have for the progressive development of our societies, which would enable us to take our place in the international arena as equal partners, at first morally and then, in time, economically as well. It is my hope that Liberia will be able to achieve the status as a laboratory for religious education learning from teachers on a global level, and able to learn by itself, through our systems of education in Liberia – Islamic as well as Christian and African Tribal Religions (ATR).

Liberia is a religious society of Christianity, Islam, and the traditional religions known as the African Traditional Religions. Each of these institutions has morally obligatory responsibilities to the community, along with moral and ethical values as they see society and what it should be. This point is forcefully stressed in the ATR , and it involves beliefs, values, and an articulation of what behaviors are seen as the acceptable and what are not, in the context of a nativist or home-grown religious impulse in our society that harkens back to the energy and spirituality of long ago, well before the first white man ever set foot on our continent, let along the slave traders who would come later. 

All religion in Africa seeks to promote moral character, helping the individual to learn how to interact successfully with the community in peaceful action and debate over our celebration of cultural identity. Education -- religious or secular -- provides a knowledge of our common world and perspectives - along with religious vision. its view. Religion also changes what we may know of the world, and education breaks down obstacles that serve to prevent access to greater opportunities that are sorely needed in Africa. Religion is expected to contribute to maintaining peaceful community in Liberia as elsewhere.


PHD Religious Studies
PHD Religious Studies Statement of Purpose

In Liberia, all our religious communities are positively engaged in complementing the national government’s educational and moral responsibility to its citizens. Educational, vocational, and technical advancement are seen as part of the moral promise often referred to as social or corporate responsibility.  Moral promise includes religious rules or principles that sustain society according to God’s will for all humanity and Africa in particular.

Poverty represents a great challenge to us in every aspect of life.  Very few educational institutions are tuition-free, and equal access to education exists only in principle, at best, across Africa. Although some religious institutions who own and operate many schools do offer some form of financial aid.


Religious education, especially in West Africa, is not taught separately from the daily activities of the religion because religion is a ‘way of life’ of the people. In it they live and find life.  Religions cannot be divorced from education because education is the vehicle that preserves and transports religious beliefs and practices, handing them down to the next generation in a refined fashioned, in accordance with a given time, place, and moral and social context. 

As a Christian parish priest and an associate member of the ATRs, and a university instructor and community leader, I am a member of several civil society organizations in Liberia and West Africa, I am informed and knowledgeable of the roles each religion plays in the delivery of education to host countries and communities. 


During the Liberian civil war from 1990-2003, which ravaged both Liberia and neighboring Sierra Leone, the religious communities in these countries played leading roles in the search for peace, democracy, and the rule of law. Similar initiatives and approaches were employed in Ghana and Nigeria during the troubled days of the 1960s. Many successes have been achieved because of the spread of religious education and discipline. 

PHD Religious Studies
PHD Religious Studies Statement of Purpose

The promise of religious education delivery is not unique to Liberia and West Africa. Throughout West Africa, religious institutions work along with governments to educate the citizenry. Religious Institutions in Liberia have learned the importance of contributing to quality education with a moral component for all Liberians. For my part, I look forward to coordinating educational programs that are targeted or geared towards victims of one form of systemic abuse or another, especially women and girls, abused youth, etc. I will work directly with authorities in the planning and coordination of these initiatives and their activities, providing quality education for members and non-members. Religious education is critical for the teaching of moral and ethical values.

I chose the topic for my proposed dissertation because of my elevated level of experience in working with various religious groups and individuals. My dissertation will focus on fulfilling our goals for the future in Liberia, coordinating educational programs for specific groups – especially youth along with women and girls. I will be working directly with authorities in their planning and implementation. This national program will include academic, vocational, and technical components syllabi tailored to certain sub-regions of the country.


After reviewing graduate school academic programs in Religious Studies, I have concluded that Princeton University is my first choice among doctoral programs because it is the best option to provide me with the preparation that I am seeking. I have a great deal of respect for the distinguished accomplishments of the Graduate School Department of Religious Studies at Princeton.


I especially look forward to studying under Professors ____ ____, PhD. Religion and Philosophy, Religion, Ethics, and Politics.  Professor ____ ____, PhD, Religion and African American Studies. Professor ____ ____, PhD. Religion and Philosophy, and Professor ____ ____, PhD. Philosophy and Religion.


Thank you for considering my application to Religious Studies at Princeton University.  



How long should a PhD personal statement be?

Typically, PhD personal statements are between 500-1,000 words, depending on the program requirements.

How do I demonstrate my fit for a PhD program?

How important is it to address weaknesses in my application?

What should I include in my PhD personal statement?


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PHD Religious Studies Statement of Purpose


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