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Progressive Personal Purpose Statement MS Communications

 MS Communications
Progressive Personal Purpose Statement MS Communications Writing and Editing

I have been an activist for progressive causes my entire life. My father is/was a well-known foreign policy expert who taught me a great deal about politics. Most of all, however, it was my mother, a deeply passionate, bra-burning, civil rights activist who took me to every protest that happened on the National Mall throughout the 1970s since we lived in DC until 1981. I see Communications as the principal key to the march of progress and it is time for me to earn the master's degree. Thus, I hope to be accepted to and complete the finest online MS Program in Communications in the world, at ____ University.

I have lived in Colorado much of my entire life and it is my permanent home and public square; and I am glad, at least, that Hillary won my state. I see the Democratic loss in the last presidential election as a devastating blow to democracy, women, the LGBT community, people of color, poor people, immigrants, and religious freedom. In Colorado, we on the Left are developing new appreciation for state’s rights; and we are doubling down on our efforts to resist what we see as reactionary pressures emanating from the Federal Government resulting in at least potential life-threatening ramifications for many of the most vulnerable members of our state. Thus, this is a suitable time for me to return to school and sharpen my skills, particularly concerning Communications in health care.

MS Communications
Progressive Personal Purpose Statement MS Communications Professional Editing

Entrepreneurial and outspoken, I found my social identity and political niche in the progressive community developing in Denver, Colorado in 1997, the year that I completed an internship at the state capital. Focus on the Family was the single most influential political player in Colorado at that time and the Republicans were in control of everything in our state. I volunteered to work on Democratic campaigns and ballot issue campaigns, rapidly gaining an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the mechanics of targeting and messaging – getting around and working my way up. I learned how the decisions made by politicians affect real people by talking to those people, the victims of failed policies, the ‘collateral’ damage. I tried to give voice to the voiceless.

Not everything is rosy in Colorado, but we have the political infrastructure built to continue to be a leader in advancing human rights and economic security, all while enjoying the natural beauty of our state. Earning the MS in Communications will enable me to build on the skills that I have developed throughout my 20-year career in non-profit management and government affairs. A professional communicator, I have been most successful with a very targeted audience of one hundred legislators in Colorado. Along with a broad variety of organizations and key players, I have helped to envision and implement landmark legislation to regulate medical, now retail, marijuana dispensaries in Colorado by uniting related businesses and establishing their credibility as the job creators and responsible business owners embracing regulation from the outset of the legal marijuana industry. I made important contributions to our Renewable Energy Standard, helping to ensure that it became a statewide policy by pushing to include rural community projects.

 MS Communications
Progressive Personal Purpose Statement MS Communications Editing Service

I have also helped to advocate for major voter rights provisions and vote-by-mail laws that have helped Colorado to set a national benchmark for other states working on similar initiatives.

I very much appreciate the fact that your MS Program in Communications at Purdie includes a real-world, case-studies focus as an integral part of the curriculum. I am drawn to the fact that the professors in the online program work in the communications field but have backed up their work experience with foundational research in the ethics and methodology of communications. It is important to me that Purdue is a public university and a top-rated one at that. I hold a strong belief that education is the foundation in a democracy and should be accessible to everyone. Both of my parents graduated from ____, one with an MS in Library Science and the other with a PhD in Nuclear Physics. Since I have a_____ legacy anyway, I was overjoyed when I learned all about your most robust online program in Communications.

I need to return to intensive study because I face new challenges in Colorado, and I envision needing all the additional communication finesse that I might be able to acquire as a graduate student. This is especially true with the new challenges that we face in providing health care for the more vulnerable members of our community. As I write this, I am watching with horror as hundreds of people in America, most of them poor and vulnerable themselves, are being arrested in protests over the repeal of Obamacare. Access to basic health care at a reduced cost is a lifeline for a very broad swath of our population: single mothers, children, the elderly, the mentally ill, drug addicts, developmentally disabled people, etc.; and I feel strongly that we have a duty to care for them as part of our community.

I thank you for considering my application

Progressive Personal Purpose Statement MS Communications


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